College Scholarship
Applications Now Open! Due date is March 31, 2025.
The People’s Memorial College Scholarship’s goal is to support first-time college students with their career path by offering a monetary incentive to cover qualified college expenses such as Partial Tuition, School Books, School Equipment and Relocation Expenses. The People’s Memorial College Scholarship awards two prizes of $1,000.00. This scholarship application is open to Members and Non-members of LES People’s FCU.
Eligibility – The applicant:
Must have been a college-bound high school senior at the time of the application
Must be attending college for the first time in the fall of 2025
Must be enrolled in either a two- or four-year accredited educational institution
Agrees to open a Savings Account at LES People’s FCU if he/she wins the scholarship
Agrees to use the awarded funds before January 31, 2026, at an accredited educational institution only
The applicant can submit only one application.
Submit a high school transcript documenting student’s GPA for grades 9–11
Submit an SAT/PSAT/ACT transcript (obtained through the high school guidance office)
Sign the Certification and Release Authorization on the last page of the application form by the applicant and his/her parent or guardian
Prepare a typed essay response
The application, transcripts, and essay must be submitted to the credit union by March 31st, 2025 at 4:00 p.m. If any portion is incomplete or missing, the application will not be considered.
Selection Process and Award
Judging will be based on both subjective criteria and weighted, objective criteria. These include essay, academic achievements, extracurricular and community activities, etc.
Awards will be deposited into the winners’ accounts at LES People’s FCU. The Awards Ceremony will take place at the 2024 LES People’s FCU Annual Meeting in the spring. Winners are expected to attend.
Download Application Here.
2024 College Scholarship winners !
We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2024 People’s College Scholarship:
Tanvir Kaur , Academy of American Studies
Colin Correia, Xavier High School